Friday, December 22, 2006

On figuring things out...

Originally uploaded by Wilde Irish.

I am by no means a web wizard...anything that is more complex/requires more brainpower than email has me bumbling about in a fog. Hence, for my first post, I am here shown with one of my best friends who has been invaluable during the blog set-up process. :)

On the blog brother suggested I combine my dad's nickname for me, "boo girl" with "blogger" to get, of course, "booger." What are little brothers for, if not to add a bit of class to your life?

Wilde, because I love the wilderness, and wild-ness too. I admire and respect it. It is beautiful and terrible, like anything that has life or soul. Irish, because I am. Well, descended from anyway. Canadian first of course, always.

I'm waking up, my life is changing constantly. It's a bit unpredictable and scary sometimes, but I keep meeting amazing people and I am learning so much. I am slowly growing.